2018 has been a phenomenal year at Understand God's Will thanks to you and many others taking part in our ministry of reaching the nations with our life-changing book!

Our book, entitled “Understand God’s Will for my life,” is now available in Spanish!
We are very excited about this latest translation! This is the 8th language that are our book is in and we have many more translations that are underway (Click here to see a list).

Please help us to save a church in Rwanda that is the heart and soul of our ministry in Africa. They desperately need our support at this time!
- Crusade held in Kisii, Kenya to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ
- We've Teamed Up With the Faithful in Uganda!
- India--Here We Come!
- The Day that our Dreams Became a Reality
- New Church Formed in Kenya
- Swahili Translation Now Available!
- Our Book Distributed in Kenyan Prison
- First Understand God's Will Church in Western Kenya
- Parlez-Vous Francais?
- Latest Updates History August 2014 - July 2017
- To win many souls to Jesus Christ
- Books for 7 Countries in Central Africa
- Students in Nyakiriba, West Province Rwanda, Receive a Copy of Our Free Book
- The Word is Spreading!
- Meet Our Partner in DR Congo
- Good News from Kenya!
- Visit of Students from Prayer Group G.S MUKONDO to Nain Hope
- Our Book is Changing Lives!