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The Word is Spreading!

The Word is Spreading!

7 souls saved this past Sunday....from another small church in Kenya. This small church is near the border with Tanzania.

It is very sweet that this pastor's small congregation took pictures just for us. Very very humbling.

What an inspiration that they took the time to love on us. The Word is spreading. Pastors are sharing. Keep the faith.

Here is a note from Pastor Charles in Kenya:

Hello my precious brother!

We are doing well, thank you, Grace and peace to you from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Attand is our yesterday Sunday service I visited one of my local church in Luo area! We are doing a wonderful service. 7 people are saved. Share the pictures.

May God bless you and your Ministry there!!

Have a blessed day brother
In His Bonds
Pastor Charles

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